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January 17 - February 01

By Lauren Gunderson
Directed by Martha Hearn

The Revolutionists is a new play about four very real women who lived boldly in France during the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror. Playwright Olympe De Gouges, assassin Charlotte Corday, former queen (and fan of ribbons) Marie Antoinette, and Haitian rebel Marianne Angelle hang out, murder Marat, loose their heads, and try to beat back the extremist insanity in Paris, 1793. What was a hopeful revolution for the people is now sinking into hyper violent hypocritical male rhetoric. However will modern audiences relate?

Friday, January 17th – 8:00pm
Saturday, January 18th – 8:00pm
Sunday, January 19th – 2:00pm
Thursday, January 23rd – 8:00pm
Friday, January 24th – 8:00pm
Saturday, January 25th – 8:00pm
Sunday, January 26th – 2:00pm
Thursday, January 30th – 8:00pm
Friday, January 31st – 8:00pm
Saturday, February 1st – 8:00pm

Tickets on sale NOW!


Kathleen Arcovio Pennyway
Courtney Sims
Elaine Werren
Nicole Perez

Upcoming Events

January 17-February 01
February 21-March 22
April 18-May 03